The Company estimated revenue (company_estimated_revenue) filter enables you to filter companies based on an exact or approximate estimated revenue amount.



Note that for companies that publicly disclose their revenue figures (such as public companies or those listed in the Inc. 5000), the provided value corresponds to their officially reported revenue.

For other companies, the revenue is estimated.



Our records express revenue in US dollars. Therefore, please ensure that you perform any necessary transformations on your end before using this filter.

Search modes

Exact match

This mode allows you to discover companies based on their exact revenue. To conduct an exact match lookup, use equals in the relation parameter.

In the example below, the filter retrieve companies for which we have recorded an estimated revenue of 10,000,000 US dollars.

  "attribute": "company_estimated_revenue",
  "relation": "equals",
  "value": 10000000

Revenue range

For a broader range, you can use the between attribute for the relation parameter. This will return all companies with a revenue defined in an interval. To specify the range, input the minimum and maximum values as a tuple in the value parameter.

In the example below, the search will retrieve all companies with an estimated revenue between 100,000 and 500,000 USD.

  "attribute": "company_estimated_revenue",
  "relation": "between",
  "value": [100000, 500000]

Other limits

You can set superior or inferior limits in your filter by using the greater_than, greater_than_or_equal, less_than or less_than_or_equal relations.

The following search example will return all companies that have strictly less than 5,000,000 USD in revenue, where the estimated revenue has a recorded value in our database.

  "attribute": "company_estimated_revenue",
  "relation": "greater_than",
  "value": 5000000



To view all available filter relations and accepted types, please check the Filter Relations section.