The Company name (company_name) filter enables you to run targeted or general searches against company names in the Veridion database.


Accepted company names

The filter accepts both legal and commercial (DBA) company names.

Search modes

Exact match

Use this search mode if you are looking for a specific company and know the exact spelling of its name. It will provide results that strictly match the company name you have entered. To perform an exact match search, use equals in the relation parameter.

The following example demonstrates how to search for the company "Boston Consulting Group" with an exact match:

   "attribute": "company_name",
   "relation": "equals",
   "value": "Boston Consulting Group"

Fuzzy match

The Fuzzy match is useful if you are unsure about the exact spelling or if there are slight variations in the company name. It accommodates small differences or typos in the company name, retrieving all approximate matches. For a fuzzy match search, use matches in the relation parameter.

The following example shows how to conduct a search for companies with names similar to "Notion":

   "attribute": "company_name",
   "relation": "matches",
   "value": "Boston Consulting"

Multiple exact match

To perform an exact match search for multiple companies simultaneously, input their names as an array and change the relation parameter to in. The API will then return results where any of these names exactly match a company name in the database.

The example below performs a multiple exact match search for "Boston Consulting Group" and "Accenture".

  "attribute": "company_name",
  "relation": "in",
  "value": ["Boston Consulting Group", "Accenture"]



To view all available filter relations and accepted types, please check the Filter Relations section.