The Search API allows you to discover companies in the Veridion database, by passing in a set of Search Filters.

Run in Postman

Required fields

Ensure that your payload contains a filters field, which is mandatory.

This field should include exactly one wrapper operator (and/or) followed by one or more search filters, as detailed below.

Filter structure and syntax

Within the filters field, every filter must include the base elements listed below:

attributeThe specific company-related property or attribute to be filtered, such as company name, location, etc.

See the full filter list.
relationThe type of comparison or logical operation applied between the attribute and value (e.g. equals, in, between, greater_than etc.).

You can find the full list of available relations under the Search filter relations section.
valueThe reference data or criteria that the attribute should meet, based on the specified relation.541512


Search queries & filters

For more information on structure and required fields, please consult the How to build a Search Query and Search filters sections.

Paginated requests

Pagination can be controlled via the page_type and pagination_token query parameters. Pagination tokens can be retrieved from the response pagination object, present when the response is successful.



For more information on pagination, please see the API Responses section.

Successful responses

When the request is successful, a standard 200 OK HTTP status will be sent along with the expected JSON.

The response will include the following fields:

  • pagination - object that holds the next and previous tokens for navigation between pages.
  • count - the total number of results for the current request.
  • result - the list of results for the requested page.


Response datapoints

For a comprehensive list of all data points returned and additional information, please refer to the Response Fields and Types page.

Error responses

If the request is unsuccessful, the API will return one of the below HTTP status responses:

  • 400 Bad Request, if the input lacks the required fields or structure detailed above.
  • other standard HTTP error responses, detailed in the Response codes section.

Any error response follows a specific structure. Please see the Error response format section for more details.
