Learn about Veridion's APIs.

It is important to keep your organization up-to-date with the latest data to avoid missing out on opportunities, losing money, or putting your company at risk. Veridion is here to assist you with fresh and accurate data.

Our APIs provide access to over 60 datapoints that are updated weekly, covering over 80 million companies worldwide.


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The base URL for all API requests is https://data.veridion.com and HTTPS is required for all requests.

Veridion's APIs follow RESTful conventions, with all operations performed via POST or GET requests. Request and response bodies are JSON encoded.

JSON Conventions

  • Property names are in snake_case
  • Empty fields always return as null (including string and array types)
  • Date time fields are formatted as ISO 8601 date time strings


The following headers are required to ensure that your requests are processed correctly:

  • Content-Type: application/json - specifies that the data being sent is in JSON format.
  • x-api-key: <your_api_key> - your personal key that grants access to Veridion's APIs. For more information on how to authenticate requests, please refer to the Authentication section.


The API version is reflected in the request URL for each of Veridion's APIs.

Veridion uses semantic versioning to track API changes. We update the major version number when making backwards-incompatible changes to the API, while the minor version number is incremented for improvements and fixes.


Pagination is available for endpoints that return a list of objects.

Endpoints that support pagination will return a pagination object in the response. To navigate between pages, you can include the next or previous tokens retrieved from the response pagination object in the request parameters.


Paginated endpoints will return the following response fields.

paginationobjectHolds next and previous tokens for navigation between pages.
countintegerTotal number of results for the current request.
resultobject arrayThe list of results for the requested page.

The pagination object contains the below fields.

Should be used to retrieve the next page of results.
Should be used to retrieve the previous page of results.


null pagination token

Note that next or previous pagination tokens may be null, depending on the presence of remaining results to retrieve. For instance, when retrieving the first page, the previous token will be null since there are no previous pages.

How to issue paginated requests

Each paginated endpoint accepts the following query parameters:

Number of results to be returned per page.

Default value: 10
Maximum value: 200
Either next or previous token value, depending on whether you want to retrieve the previous or the next page. This value should be treated as opaque.

Defaults to undefined, which returns results from the beginning of the list


Pagination sessions

Please be aware that once you start a pagination session (i.e., the navigation between pages is ongoing), the API will generate an error if you try to modify any of the request parameters or the request body itself.

If you need to reset your request, simply remove the pagination_token parameter.

Error response format

All error responses have the same object structure. The fields returned in an error response are listed below.

pathstringAPI Request path
statusintegerHTTP status code
errorstringA code tied to the status code.

At present, the value defaults to the generic string indicative of the status code.
messagestringAdditional information on the error

Error example:

    "path": "/match/v4/companies",
    "status": 400,
    "error": "Bad Request",
    "message": "At least one of the 'legal_names' or 'commercial_names' non-empty text array fields is required."